Here, I've provided some resources for teaching and learning the basics of policy debate in a simple and convenient way. Please keep in mind that this site is a starting point. Mastering policy debate doesn't just happen overnight with a couple clicks of a mouse. I'm definitely not an expert myself, so let's take the journey together.
Contact me at any time with questions you may have about this material and/or suggestions on how to improve the site. My goal is to help you as much as possible. HAPPY DEBATING! ❥ Much love, Victoria |
policy debateWhether you're the sacrificial lamb or
actually interested in how tourism leads to nuclear war, I'm here for you. |
dictionaryDebate has its own unique
vocabulary, which can often be extremely overwhelming. |
summer clinic"It is an absolute shame that students are denied the opportunity to learn about and fall in love with such an amazing activity."